We will devote the time and energy necessary to advocate for those in need.
No Need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard.

Accessible Housing Austin! was founded in 2005 by disability rights advocates who recognized that the scarcity of housing was a critical issue for people with disabilities. AHA! is the only housing non-profit in Austin led by members of the disability community whose mission is to provide affordable, accessible, integrated housing for low-income people with disabilities.

Imagine Art is on a mission to transform the lives of artists with disabilities. We operate a creative incubator on the East side where artists with disabilities create work, display in our gallery and launch micro-enterprises. Our community is complete with social services that focus on restoration and twelve hot meals weekly from our community garden.
Save Barton Creek Association protects & conserves the flora, fauna & water quality of Barton Creek & the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer through research, education & conservation. Since 1979, the Save Barton Creek Association has worked to preserve our natural heritage through our public education, advocacy, and conservation programs. We make every attempt to ensure that the public and our elected officials understand how political and policy choices impact our environment.

The Institute for Disability Access is a disability rights and services organization that provides training on disability issues as well as advocating for people with disabilities to be able to live and receive services and supports in the most integrated setting.
ADAPT fights to free our people from nursing homes and other institutions. We work for more accessible communities: including transportation, housing, public accommodations and governmental buildings and programs. We believe the lives of people with disabilities should be valued. We are a grassroots group; get involved and make a difference.
In 1983, Bluebonnet Hills Christian Church began meeting in Westlake Hills, a suburb of Austin, Texas. We wanted to be a church where both Christians and non-Christians could find blessing, fellowship, and strength for daily living, so we designed our Sunday Morning experience with both sets of people in mind. Highlights include the singing of traditional hymns (with guitar accompaniment and updated rhythms), taking time for sharing and praying about our joys and concerns, and celebrating Open Communion every week. Our Sunday Morning Conversations (instead of sermons) give us an opportunity to engage meaningful questions and to apply scriptural principles to daily living. Bluebonnet Hills meets every Sunday at 10 AM in the Lost Creek Community Meeting Room at 1305 Quaker Ridge. Quaker Ridge is at the first stop sign on Lost Creek Blvd, and Lost Creek Blvd comes off Loop 360 about a half mile south of Bee Caves Road.

We believe God has called Trinity to equip our members with a strong faith, to go into the world and make new disciples, and to serve those in need. To help us meet our mission, we have a wide variety of education, evangelism, and outreach programs and activities. Everyone seeking a warm, welcoming, and supportive church family are invited to visit Trinity. We worship in the traditional Anglican style using the Book of Common Prayer. We believe in Holy Scripture, Tradition, and Reason as our guidelines. We believe in the power of prayer and music to help inspire us and to strengthen our spiritual lives. And, we try every Sunday to have a personal encounter with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in our worship service.

Big Star Bingo
910 West Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78757 | 512-452-9904